Italian manufacturing suppliers, Italian Business Guide is a complete list of manufacturing, suppliers, vendors and professional companies from Italy. We offer DIRECT B2B CONTACT between Italian producers and world distribution... fashion apparel, power transmission, beauty care cosmetics, equipments, food, furniture, engineering, electronics, automation, fashion shoes, tiles, italian real estate, chemical... Your gateway to the Italian manufacturing suppliers...

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Italian Business GuideProduttori Italiani, fabbricanti che cercano distributori e partners in Europa, Stati Uniti, Asia e Latino America... Italian Business GuideItalian history, rome, florence, venice, naples, sicily, milan, turin,... history from the Rome empire to the modern Italian cultureItalian people, to know better the Italian folk, the made in Italy and start a great Business to BusinessItalian tradition, to know better the Italian folk, the made in Italy and start a great Business to BusinessThe famous Italian "calcio" soccer "Serie A and Serie B" milan, juventus, roma, lazio, fiorentina, lecce, napoli, udinese, brescia, venezia, inter,... anjoy the World Cup 2006 champions calcioItalian maps for a great trip in Italy, milan, venezia, torino, bologna, napoli, sicilia, roma, udine, trieste, brescia, padova, treviso,... maps to support your businessSend, share and see our Industrial manufacturing Blog, manufacturing technology headlines, industrial news,...Advertise your business and start a real Business to Business B2B we are an Italian American Engineering organization created to support the Italian, USA, Canada, China, Japan, Middle East, South America Business to BusinessList your business, we are an Italian American Engineering organization created to support the Italian, USA, Canada, China, Japan, Middle East, South America Business to Business


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Torre di Pisa in Toscana - Visita Italia, ogni settimana scopre nostra antica tradizione, capacita ricettiva, arte, cultura e divertimento in ogni paese... per la tua prossima vacanza estiva, invernale, turismo sulla neve, primavera, turismo enogastronomico, esperienza con il vino rosso vino bianco Italiano... avrai sempre il miglior servizio per goderti Roma, Firenze, Salento, Lecce, Napoli, Palermo, Urbino, Pisa, Venezia, Sorrento, Capri... Operatori turistici ricettivi in Italia, servizi turistici per viaggi in Italia, guide turistiche organizzate, alberghi, aziende di agriturismo, consorzi turistici Italiani in Roma, Firenze, Lecce, Napoli, Palermo, Urbino, Pisa, Venezia, Sorrento, Capri, Mantova, Milano, Torino, Varese, Pordenone, Friuli, Treviso, Trieste, Venezia, Padova, Brescia, Bergamo, Bologna, Modena, Firenze, Pescara, Roma, Genova, Napoli, Emilia Romagna, Pesaro, Roma, Milano, Roma, Firenze, Venezia, Friuli, Pescara, Bologna, Parma, Mantova, Rimini, Torino...



Turbine per applicazioni nella generazione di energia elettrica insieme agli impianti eolici in Italia, applicazione per la tecnologia di trasmissione di potenza, produzione Italiana di dispositivi e accessori per effettuare la trasmissione di potenza meccanica industriale, progettisti d'impianti per la trasmissione di potenza da energia elettrica in energia meccanica, distributori Italiani di sistemi  attuatori lineari, martinetti meccanici, variatori di velocità, cuscinetti di potenza, catene, cinghie, freni, sistemi di controllo trasmissione potenza, boccole, riduttori di velocità, moltiplicatori di velocità, giunti flessibili, pignoni, ingranaggi, dispositivi idraulici, guide lineari, motori elettrici, sistemi di sicurezza industriale, Italian Business Guide qualifica fornitori distributori ingrosso Italiani di dispositivi per la trasmissione di potenza


 Esporta in tutto il mondo, esponi i tuoi prodotti in Inglese, Spagnolo ed Italiano con diverse pagine web dedicate esclusivamente per la vostra azienda, vostra attivita' produttiva ei vostri prodotti, raggiungi i mercati piu' importanti del made in Italy in USA, Canada, Medio Oriente, Latinoamerica, Asia e fai crescere la tua presenza nel mercato ed il tuo fatturato all'estero

WBN (Worldwide Business Network) is an American Technology company created to help, democratically, the world distributors, buyers, suppliers and manufacturers companies to establish and develop business relationship in the most important markets... the best Global B2B Import & Export experience

Germany Business Guide to support small companies to start global export deals

California Business Guide, helps you to create your B2B network in California with manufacturers, distributors supplier, buyers or vendors for private label branding business relationship and others

Italian Business Guide, the best way to find your B2B partner in Italy, a great manufacturer, distributor supplier, buyer or vendor for private label branding business relationship

India export of manufacturer products for wholesale distributors worldwide

New York business guide to create online your distribution network for free

Chile Business Guide to help worldwide startups to reach the most important markets

China Business Guide, the B2B tool to improve global distribution deals of manufacturing products

USA Business Guide, the best B2B export tool to global distribution deals of manufacturing products France Business Guide, European B2B tool to improve distribution import of manufacturer products

Peru Business Guide, the global B2B tool to improve export distribution deals of raw material products

Atlanta Business Guide, the export business tool to global distributors and manufacturer supplies

Canada Business Guide to create innovation into the global B2B market

Japan manufacturing guide, great business social network to improve manufacturers export sales

Dubai Business Guide, the best industrial B2B export tool to increase small medium companies turnover Africa Business Guide, the industrial B2B export tool to help small medium African companies Miami Business Guide the best market place to help startups Mexico Business Guide to help small and medium industries to start global export deals Texas export market place for  industrial manufacturing products for wholesale global distributors Egypt Business Guide, great B2B tool to the global distribution players of manufacturing private label products

Brazil Business Guide, the best way to start dealing with B2B partner from Brazil as a great manufacturer, distributor supplier, buyer or vendor for private label branding business relationship

Russia Business Guide to support globa startups to export into the most important markets Indonesia Business Guide, part of the the global B2B WBN Network to improve export distribution deals of customized products Saudi Arabia Business Guide, great export tool to global distributor deals of manufacturing private label products Australia Business Guide, the B2B tool for distribution import of financial products United Kingdom Business Guide, the best export B2B tool to global distributors and manufacturer startups supplies







Women dresses manufacturer to fashion apparel distribution

WOMEN DRESS MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY Italian women fashion dresses manufacturer to fashion distributors, made in Italy buyers industry, luxury clothing boutiques, b2b wholesale woman apparel suppliers and industrial clothing buyers

Women Dress Manufacturer
Masseria 73017 San Nicola (LE) Italy

Men Sportswear manufacturing ndustry to the B2B clothing industry

ITALIAN SPORTSWEAR MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY luxury women and men sportswear design, production to sport t-shirts, leggings, sweatshirt, tracksuit distributors industry, fitness clothing and activewear clothing to increase athletes performance

Sportswear Manufacturer
Via Croce Matera 75013 Matera Italy

Made in Italy industrialization according to the industrial IT & AI

INDUSTRIALIZATION IN THE TIME OF AI The engineer Christian L. Caballero and Dr. Federico Galliani define, describe & analyze in a perfect book, the different processes for intelligent industrialization. Production, purchasing, export sales, AI explained

Industrializzazione ai tempi dell'AI
Milano 20832 Italy

Skin care cosmetics manufacturing company to the B2B industry

ITALIAN COSMETICS MANUFACTURING luxury skin care collection of professional cosmetics to global cosmetics distribution industry, made in Italy natural beauty care products to protect and to correct skin face preventing signs of age and body care

Skin Care Cosmetics Manufacturer
Monza e della Brianza 20832 Italy

SGF supercars manufacturing for sport cars dealers B2B distribution

SGF CHINA - MADE IN ITALY SUPERCARS SGF is an extension of SGF Italy to conquer the Chinese luxury market of Sport Cars creating an strong distributor chanel and dealers for Anomalya and next SGF Supercars generation

SGF China Ltd
Beijing - Shanghai China

Worldwide Business Network Inc for Manufacturers and Distributors

WORLDWIDE BUSINESS NETWORK INC. MIAMI FL, US the company WBN as industrial B2B Network guarantees a perfect B2B connection between manufacturers, distributors, private label business, buyers and full players of the import / export

Worldwide Business Network Inc
7921 SW 40 St Miami FL 33155 US

Italian supercars manufacturer for auto dealers and B2B distributors

ANOMALYA ITALIAN SUPERCARS MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY Italian automobiles manufacturing industry. Automotive engineering design for vehichles distributors and dealers made in Italy high performance and luxury Sport Supercars

Sly Garage Factory srl
Via M 64, Capannori (Lucca) 55012 Italy

Women fashion manufacturing company B2B coats, suits, skirts

ITALIAN FASHION WAY WOMEN CLOTHING MANUFACTURERS women fashion manufacturing industrial suppliers to distributors, women coats, dress and teenage fashion clothing for woman cloths and private label fashion manufacturer.

Women Fashion Way Italy
Gora del Pero 57/7 Prato 59100 Toscana

Italian biscuits manufacturer for wholesale B2B distribution

FONTANA BISCUITS ITALIAN BREAKFAST FOOD MANUFACTURING made in Italy breakfast family biscuits for supermarket business, wholesale distributors, food retailers, as manufacturer we offer VIP biscuits for private label at manufacturing prices.

Italian Biscuits Manufacturing
Z. Industriale Perugia (PG) 06015 Italy

Stone machines manufacturer for B2B machineries distributors

STONE MACHINERIES MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY production of stone processing machines for water clarififer, wastewater filtering, dust and sludge collector machineries for industrial stone, marble, granite, quartz manufacturing companies.

Italmecc Stone Machiners Vicenza
Z. Industriale Schio (VI) 36015 Italy

Italian men shirts manufacturer shirts manufacturing to wholesale vendors

Shirts manufacturing, Italian shirts manufacturing facilities for design, styling of classic and formal mens shirts cutting, assembly and finishing of summer fashion women shirts, Italian shirs manufacturer of classic and trend slim fit fashion women and mens shirts producers for customer brands and distributors of the made in Italy fashion shirts. Texil3 designs and produces high end mens and women shirts for customer formal and casual collections using the finest cotton, with classical collars, complimentary brass collar stiffeners and single or double cuffs. We produces classic men shirts for Ugo Boss and Paul Shark brands maintaining high quality production process and perfect Made in Italy style

ITALIAN SHIRTS MANUFACTURER FOR PRIVATE LABEL since 1994 producing shirts for Hugo Boss, Paul Shark and Paul Smith brands, we offer shirts design, sampling, shirts styling and production of private label shirts collection for men and women

Zona Industriale Via Palmieri
73058 Tuglie - Lecce Italy

Coffee business manufacturing made in Italy business to business

Gimoka combines tradition and innovation into a unique solution, the Italian craft of coffee brewing is married with state-of-the-art technologies to make high-quality espresso available to everyone, every day, whether at home, at work or outside. Gimoka coffee brings Italian taste, culture and lifestyle to you in a quick, environmentaly friendly, convenient and affordable way, try our Nespresso compatible capsules, Lavazza compatible capsules and ESE 44 paper coffee pods

ITALIAN COFFEE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY production of wide range of ground coffee, coffee beans and Nespresso Capsules compatible with most coffee brewers and moka pots, Gimoka Espresso coffee instant blends for wholesale world distributors.

Gimoka srl Coffee Industry
Via Marconi 18, 20090 Naviglio Milano

Italian women and men skin cosmetics natural creams for distributors

Italian collection to world distributors of skin care, from face skin care products as milk cleansing, skin peeling, anti aging, moisturizing, skin toning, spots remover, antiacne treatment, peeling. Furthermore full range of body care cosmetics for cleansing, moisturizing, cellulite, stretch marks, body firming, hand and foot care.

ITALIAN VIP ORGANIC COSMETICS MANUFACTURER production of vip skin beauty care cosmetics, face natural creams for distributors, body organic cosmetics for beauty salon skin care treatment, we offer private label products for new brand

Italian VIP Cosmetics - Pierre Group
Z. Industriale Galatina (Le) Italy

sunless tan business spray machine manufacturing for solarium distributors

Bestan sunless spray tanning made in Italy to solarium business and distributors

BESTAN SUNLESS SPRAY TANNING MADE IN ITALY Italian sunless spray tan manufacturer industry automatic tan machine, health light therapy and self tanner products to tanning solarium and beauty salon tan distributors

Bestan Industry Italy
Sunless spray tanning Made in Italy

Business guest house in Paris for Italian business to business trip

TOURIST APARTMENTS IN PARIS FOR YOUR BUSINESS TRIP rooms and breakfast available for your business trip in Paris France, the best guesthouse for your business to business trip enjoy professional services in your Paris France work trip.

Business apartments in Paris France
Short rental Tel 33.771.61.6159

Italian fruit juices manufacturing for supermarket food business vendors

ITALIAN FRESH FRUIT JUICES IN A BRICK INDUSTRY made in Italy production of fresh fruits brick for wholesale distributors Hawaiki fruit nectars packed in a vip brick to support the B2B food large distribution market of fresh fruit juice.

Hawaiki Fruit Juices S.p.A.
Zona Industriale Verona Italy

Made in Italy craft beer produced for Xhamster as private label business

XHAMSTER BEER PRIVATE LABEL MADE IN ITALY high end Veneto production of Xhamster Beer the first porn beer in the world business, xHamster Private Label beer manufacturer in Italy to the adult entertainment industry products distributors

Xhamster Beer Manufacturer
Made in Italy beers - Veneto

men fashion shirts manufacturing Italy classic shirts for franchising business

Shirts franchise program of Italian fashion shirts for men, Heffort shirts franchise vendors the real Italian men shirts collection for winter and summer seasons, Heffor offers classic shirts for franchising, Italian classic shirts and fashion shirts for men franchise business, Heffort is an Italian trademark created to men fashion distributors, franchising and wholesalers. Heffort shirts manufactured by Texil3 introduces a new way to become a Partner in shirts Business: a modern franchising to grow up together with our partners and increase fashion shirts business profit.

HEFFORT FASHION SHIRTS - FRANCHISE BUSINESS exclusive classic and fashion shirts, customized franchising store, men shirts made in Italy plus international affiliation program let us grow together two high end shirts collection per year

HEFFORT Men shirts
Industrial Area Tuglie (Le) Italy

Beers manufacturer Italian craft beers for food beverage distributor supply

Italian beers manufacturing suppliers, craft beers made in Italy for food and bevearge business to business distributors

ITALIAN BEERS MANUFACTURING - GOURMET CRAFT BEER made in Italy brewery beers production, craft blond ale beers, organic malts, hops and yeast for dark Belgian ale beers, Italian craft beers manufacturing for food and beverage distributors

K&L Beers Manufacturing Italy
Via Olmo 19, 36014 Vicenza Veneto, Italy

Italian bed and breakfast for your vacations or business trip

ITALIAN BED AND BREAKFAST FOR YOUR BUSINESS TRIP hotel rooms and breakfast available for your family vacations time, to plan your business trip in Salento Italy to enjoy the Mediterranean sea having great food and wine made in Italy

Hotel Bed and Breakfast Mareen
Via Appia 2 Santa Maria al Bagno, Lecce

Italian biscutis manufacturing industry for private label business

ITALIAN BISCUITS MANUFACTURER SINCE 1946 Traditional made in Italy biscuits, panettone and cookies for wholesale food distributors. Production of breakfast cookies for supermarkets we do Private Label biscuits for international markets.

Tedesco Srl Biscuits Manufacturer
Zona Industriale 06015 Perugia - Italy

Italian dietary health supplements manufacturing for distributors

ORGANIC DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS MANUFACTURING organic health food dietary supplements for health heart care and organic prostate cancer prevention, sports performance and beauty care with organic lycopene at manufacturer pricing

Organic Dietary Supplements
health diet food Made in Italy

Women diet health supplement manufacturer for distribution

Women diet food supplements, Italian health care dietary food manufacturing industry, supplements for pharmaceutical distributors of women urinary incontinence, health prostate, parkinson diseases, looking for wholesale pharmacy distributors

DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS FOR WOMEN INCONTINENCE Sevurin is a natural health dietary supplement to combat women urinary incontinence, exclusive for pharmacy channel distributors. Made in Italy by Hilton Pharma spa to the health care industry

Hilton Pharma Spa Dietary Supplements
 Piazza S. Anna, 5 - 44121 Ferrara Italy

FIAT Auto the Italian car solution automobile manufacturing

Fiat Group is the largest automobile manufacturer in Italy, with a range of cars starting from small Fiats to sports cars made by Ferrari. Car companies includes Fiat Group Automobiles S.p.A, Ferrari S.p.A., Iveco S.p.A. and Maserati S.p.A.. The Fiat Group Automobiles S.p.A consist companies: Abarth & C. S.p.A., Alfa Romeo Automobiles S.p.A, Fiat Automobiles S.p.A, Fiat Professional and Lancia Automobiles S.p.A. . Ferrari S.p.A. is owned by the Fiat Group, but is run autonomously

FIAT AUTO S.p.A. - OUR CARS every FIAT car has been designed to help your life and business typical Italian design, fresh and very style since 1899. Fiat produces 16 models providing style and quality natural evolution of a great company FIAT Auto Italy

Corso G. Agnelli 200 10135 Torino - Italy

italian fast food franchise pasta food business network franchising

Italian food franchise industry, Stuzzicando offers Made in Italy slow food to create a fast food restaurant business, as franchising, in any city of the world, Stuzzicando franchise manufacturer cooking equipment and made in Italy food ingredients to prepare the most traditional Italian dishes as bread, pizza, antipasti, spaghetti pasta, handmade meals, lasagna, risoto, ice cream, coffee, italian beer and more for your complete Stuzzicando food restaurant business... we are looking for partners and investors in USA, Germany, England, Netherland, Middle East, China, Japan, Spain, Belgium, Austria, Poland, Argentina, Brazil food investors

STUZZICANDO ITALIAN FAST FOOD FRANCHISE BUSINESS traditional made in Italy food for franchising pasta food network, pizza business, italian rosticceria, bakery franchise bread, ice cream franchise business opportunities slow food & fast service

Stuzzicando Fast Food Franchise
Z. Industriale 73100 Lecce (LE) Italy

Women apparel manufacturer supply for made in Italy fashion distributors

Italian women apparel manufacturing, design and production of vip fashion woman clothing, trend girls garment and classic ladies apparel collections for wholesale made in Italy apparel distributors. Manufacturer in Carpi Modena of summer fashion blouses, spring cotton Carpi pants, fashion cardigans, classic woman coats, formal dresses, vip fashion jacket, Italian padded coats, customized lady pants, women shirts, ladies silk petticoats, perfect fashion skirts, trend tees and tshirts, tops and fashion accessories made in Italy...

ITALIAN WOMEN APPAREL MANUFACTURER COMPANY production of vip woman clothing products, fashion jackets, coats, skirts, classic dresses, garment manufacturing prototypes, high end fashion design for private label collections made in Italy

Simply Woman Srl
Via Morse 5, 41012, Carpi (Modena) Italy

home and business made italy furniture manufacturer for business suppliers

Furniture manufacturer of the made in Italy design furniture and furnishing products for wholesale distributors, furniture manufacturing industries and furnishing professionals

LELI GROUP - MOBILI AND FURNITURE MANUFACTURER the made in Italy design furniture manufacturing company offers customized business furniture and home furniture products for worldwide distributors and furnishing professionals

Leli Group Mobili & Furniture
Industrial Area Vlora Albania

Italian engineering products business steel manufacturer photovoltaic system

Italian engineering products manufacturing dealing with renewable energy manufacturing solutions, mechanical technology, metal furniture projects, safety industry, customized photovoltaic system and customized engineered prototype, we are looking to support worldwide technical industry directly in USA, Middle East, China and all Asia, South America, Africa and North Europe industries with our high level certified engineering products...

NEW AGATOS ENGINEERING PRODUCTS MANUFACTURER customized engineered products photovoltaic system, waste collection bins, industrial prototype manufacturer and Italian engineering products to support technology distributors business

New Agatos srl Industry
Via Leone 1, PIP 73010 Surbo (LE) Italy

polyester products made in Italy for industrial insulation manufacturer

Polyester fiber foam products made in Italy, Italian polyester products manufacturing for acoustic padding, furniture sofa pads, polyester fibers mattress pad, clothing foam padding manufacturer, polyester fibe foam, thermal and acoustic insulation for civil building applications for the industry, we offer our Engineering research department to meet your industrial requirements, looking for distributors in Asia, Africa, Europe, Middle East and Latin America...

POLYESTER PRODUCT MANUFACTURER - SOFTEX ITALY polyester foam pad product for industrial foam applications, acoustic and thermal insulation for furniture padding, flooring, clothing, civil construction, polyester foam fiber padding made in Italy

Softex srl. Polyester Products
Z. Industriale 73044 Galatone (LE) Italy

new business relocation italian manufacturing paying low taxes

NEW INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS RELOCATION IN VLORA EUROPE industrial manufacturing park for Italian manufacturers, small medium business relocation, 10 percent of taxes from profit, virtual office services for Italian business suppliers.

New Business Relocation Vlora
Industrial park Vlora Albania

pharmacy beauty care business Italian creams & cosmetics manufacturing

ITALIAN MANUFACTURER OF PROFESSIONAL COSMETICS high quality made in Italy cosmetics for pharmacy business, anti aging creams, ultra moisturizing creams, beauty care treatment for distributors and health care cosmetics professionals

Italian Professional Cosmetics Industry
Industriale Area Lecce Salento Italy

ecoleather women fashion handbags manufacturer  for wholesale business

Eco leather fashion handbags for women, made in Italy designed and manufacturer facilities in China we offer the most high style eco friendly fashion handbags for girls, ladies and business women of the market, two collections per year to wholesalers, distributors and handbags shop centre PRIVATE LABEL offered for our main customers in United States, China, England, UK, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Italy, Germany, Spain, France, California, New York, Moscow in Russia handbags oem manufacturer and distributor market business Eco friendly Leather to the fashion women accessories market

ECO LEATHER FASHION HANDBAGS MANUFACTURER fashion women eco leather handbags for distributors and business to business fashion handbags, for private label and customized collections using friendly eco leather to worldwide customers

Eco Leather handbags Manufacturer
Fashion trendly handbags for Business

italian leather women handbags distributor business guide

Italian leather handbags business guide, women handbags manufacturers, Italian designed women and men handbags manufacturing industry only Italian leather private label women and men purses for worldwide distributors, we guarantee Italian designed handbags collection and high quality handmade fashion handbags for high quality markets, women fashion handbag, high end women classic purse, classic men handbag for wholesale distributors in Italy, Germany, England, United States business, UAE, Saudi Arabia, France handbag market and Latin America fashion distributors

WOMEN LEATHER HANDBAGS MANUFACTURING private label luxury leather handbags for distributor vendors, women handbags business, italian design handbags, suppliers, leather handbags vendors and production of luxury leather handbags

Luxury handbags Manufacturer
Industrial area 73100 Lecce (LE) Italy

Italian red gourmet wine manufacturer niche primitivo nergroamaro wines

Made in Italy niche red wines for a vip market, wines from primitivo and negroamaro grapes to produce the most exclusive wine of the Italian producers to high class restaurants and vip distributors in United States, retail wineries in California, Middle East, Germany wineries, China distribution market. Primitivo red wine for lovers for a vip tables and niche Negroamaro wines for vip world market

ITALIAN RED NICHE WINES MANUFACTURER, made in Italy negroamaro and primitivo red wines manufacturing supplier, production of niche gourmet wines for distributors, wine lovers, vip restaurant and wines for corporation gift wholesalers

Italian Niche Wines Manufacturer
Magliano (Carmiano) Lecce Italy

Italian private label shoes manufacturer women and men leather shoes

Shoes manufacturer, Italian designed women and men shoes manufacturing industry only Italian leather private label women and men shoes for worldwide distributors, with our 1200 shoemaker workers we guarantee high quality handmade fashion shoes for high quality markets, women fashion boot, high end women classic shoes, classic men shoes, casual men shoes for wholesale distributors in Italy, Germany, England, United States business, UAE, Saudi Arabia, France shoe market and Latin America fashion shoe distributors

FASHION SHOES MANUFACTURER - WOMEN AND MEN SHOES faconnable private label women and men shoes manufacturing industry, designed shoe manufacturer offers high quality leather shoes to distributors and private label shoemaker

Donianna Shoes Manufacturer
Durres Industrial area (Tirana) Albania

hygiene supplies manufacturing for italian health care  product distributors

Italian baby health care products manufacturer for distributors, safe baby wet wipes manufacturing, production of cotton swabs / buds suppliers in Italy, production of ecological adult diapers manufacturer suppliers, made in Italy pet diapers wholesale market for vendors and worldwide distribution, women hygiene products supplier skin care cleanse products for face health care made in Italy

ITALIAN HEALTH CARE PRODUCTS MANUFACTURING health care manufacturing baby wet wipes, ecological cotton swabs or buds, diapers for adults vendors pet diapers suppliers, skin cleanser health care and hygiene products wholesale distributors.

Leaderfarm srl. Health Care Products
Z. Industriale 73044 Galatone (LE) Italy

holidays packages tours in Italy Italy classic shirts for franchising business

Vacations tours and apartment for rent by owner packages in Italy, Salento in Puglia holidays tours and rental services per week, full comfort apartments, flats and villas to meet and exceed the world tourist requirements

VACATIONS TOURS IN ITALY - APARTMENTS FOR RENT customized holidays tours packages in Italy apartments, villas for weekly rent, family and business vacations tours, Italian gastronomy, wine, golf, beach, yachting tourism services in Salento

Tour Operator - Puglia For You
Viale Ezio 5, 20149 Milano Italy

Stainless steel manufacturer Italy food, beer kegs beverage containers

Beer kegs manufacturing, food and beverage containers produced for international applications, Italian stainless steel products manufacturer offers stainless steel beverage and Beer Kegs, wine containers, oil and other food containers produced with stainless steel. "Keg beer" is used for beer served from a pressurized keg, Stainless steel containers and products made in Italy for the food and beverage worldwide industrial distribution, Euro, DIN, IPB, IPS, IPT, IPM, UK 100 kegs standard as normal production products in Stainless steel AISI 304

STAINLESS STEEL BEVERAGE AND FOOD CONTAINERS beer kegs manufacturing industry, stainless steel products wine containers, olive oil and food industry containers beer keg manufacturer and customized stainless steel products made in Italy

Via per Carmiano, Leverano (LE) Italy

Football soccer school and coaches Italian soccer coach for league teams

Football soccer school, Italian football soccer school to the world thanks to WBN and AIAC - the Italian football soccer association of coaches - the Italian football soccer school offers to the international players and teams the World Champions technical and tactical training to the USA soccer teams, Canada soccer players, UAE soccer league, Saudi Arabia teams, Australia teams and soccer players. We offer also customized training for soccer lovers as begineers camps, young soccer camps, girls football soccer training and professional Italian soccer Coaches for your team, our Italian soccer school offers the most prestige and winner Football Soccer coach camps and training in the world ready to coach in your country and become a Champion in your league

ITALIAN FOOTBALL SOCCER SCHOOL AND COACHES TRAINING the Italian football soccer association of coaches AIAC and WBN USA offer football soccer camps for beginners and professional players and Italian coaches for football soccer clubs

Italian Soccer School
Coverciano (Florence) Firenze Italy

Organic health food dietary supplement products to the health industry

Italian Health food manufacturer, organic dietary products for your health care, dietary supplement products distributors, health food manufacturing produced with organic lycopene, Italian organic health food products made in Italy, hearth health care and cardiovascular disease prevention products from an Italian manufacturer, dietary supplement food organic suppliers and health food pills to USA, Canada, Middle East and Europe health care European dietary food wholesale distributors. Supplement food manufacturer with organic lycopene for health care business to business, organic lycopene for health care, skin care, anti aging for wholesale business and industrial applications

HEALTH FOOD MANUFACTURER - ORGANIC PRODUCTS organic lycopene in pills to prevent cardiovascular and Cancer disease. Health food and dietary supplement product to the health industry, Italian organic products to the health distribution

Organic Health Food Manufacturer
Zona Industriale Galatina (LE) Italy

Pitti Preziosi Italian jewels manufacturer VIP jewelry gold and diamonds

Jewels manufacturer made in Italy to the jewelry wholesale distribution of the most important markets, italian style customized jewels manufacturers, original diamonds suppliers, wholesale gems producers, pearl jewels vendors and wholesale customized stone precious jewels to the USA jewelry stores, to wholesale Canada jewels distributors, China vip gems market. Pitti Preziosi is an Italian jewels manufacturing industry convinced that high end quality jewels and products are the best way to support jewelry distributors and luxury markets of the world

PITTI PREZIOSI - ITALIAN JEWELRY MANUFACTURER Italian jewels designers. Jewelry producers of Exclusive Jewels for VIP customers. Customized jewels made in Italy with gold, diamonds, pearls providing a unique desing and elegant jewels

Pitti Preziosi - Jewels Manufacturer
Via Zanardelli, 57 Lecce (LE) Italy

AIAC the Italian football soccer coaches to export Italian coaching

AIAC is a main member of the Italian football soccer federation FIGC, created to support the Italian professional football coaches, creating an international partnership network to allow the Italian football soccer coaches to train European, Asian, American and African teams, considering the most high quality procedures of the Italian football, Italy is the actual FIFA world champions Italy won the FIFA cup the 2006 in Germany with the AIAC coach Marcello Lippi

AIAC - FIGC ITALIAN FOOTBALL COACHES ASSOCIATION Italian footbal coaches association AIAC is the main members of the Italian Football Federation FIGC created to support the Italian professional coaches creating world football partnership

AIAC Italian Football Coaches
Coverciano 50135 Florence Italy

tanning booth manufacturerr for spas estethic, fitness centers, uv free tan

Only 01 Minute Process for a perfect tan totally UV FREE process with the Sweetan booth, a natural tanning for all type of skins at not risks, the Sweetan Booth is a made in Italy technology used for salons, spas, hotels, cruisers, and any wellness place. Sweetan it is the only tanning booth in the worldwide market UV FREE process designed and patented using INFRARED lamps for it's natural SAUNA process. UV FREE tanning avoing cancer providing wellness and business for Spas, Esthetic centers, hotels, salon... We are looking for worldwide distributors

SWEETAN TANNING "UV FREE" BOOTH MANUFACTURING Sweetan is the new generation of safe Tanning Booths Made in Italy, developed using new technology Avoing Skin Cancer problems ideal for spas, esthetic center, fitness centers, hotels

Z. Industriale 46030 Mantova (MN) Italy

Industrial design and development engineering of prototypes

Design and development of industrial solutions, D&D Engineering is an Italian mechanical and industrial design group of engineers working to develop and create Customized Solutions to any kind of industry: Manufacturing machines, Chemical machines, Petrochemical machines, Mechanical machines solutions, Automation design and machines construction solutions,... prototypes and process automatic machines ready to be launch to the international technical market

DESIGN & INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING manufacturing design and technical Solutions to the Industry. Design, development and production of Prototypes Machines. Italian engineering solutions to the industrial production business

Z.I. Mantova - 46100 Mantova Italy

Italian women lingerie underwear made in Italy to wholesale suppliers

Italian women underwear manufacturer for distributors, Lunalu produces a complete collection of nigh products and underwear for fashion, sexy and elegant women, VIP women lingerie: bodies, babydoll, bras, briefs, thongs, pijamas for wholesalers and distribution, women lingerie manufacturing made in Italy lingerie and underwear suppliers, fashion underwear, sexy women lingerie, and night clothing lingerie manufacturing. Only the best materials, Lace embroidery sciantilly and accessories used for our products. The Italian handmade lingerie

WOMEN LINGERIE MANUFACTURER FOR BOUTIQUES made in Italy women lingerie manufacturing industry of bra and sexy underwear, elegant fashion collection for classic and fashion women. Women lingerie and underwear manufacturer for boutiques

LunaLù Women Lingerie
Zona Industriale 73100 Lecce Italy

Italian ecology and environmental waste management services contractors

Ecologic Engineering by Econova, an Italian ecology services management, removal, disposal and management of waste process. We assists waste producers in improving their resource efficiency and reducing operating costs by increasing waste recycling. We are dedicated to helping our customers reduce their environmental impact by continued investment in new technologies to broaden the scope of our re-processing services whilst developing sustainable markets for secondary materials

ECOLOGY SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Econova provides ecology special waste management, asbestos removal contractor, environmental protection services, ecology and environment consulting and professional soil remediation

ECONOVA Engineering srl
Gallipoli 81,
73013 Galatina (LE) Italy

Italian classic shirts for men Italian shirts manufacturing to wholesale vendors

Classic men shirts collection by Phoenix srl, the Italian designer and producer of classic men shirts industry presents the new shirts collection for elegant business men, for people who really care about his great imagine, presentation and excelent look. Our collection included only the most searched fabrics and accessories to build the perfect Classic Men Shirt completely made in Italy. We are an Italian classic shrits manufacturing company looking for worldwide Fashion Distributors in USA, Canada, England, Australia, China, Dubai, Tokyo,...

ITALIAN CLASSIC SHIRTS FOR MEN TO DISTRIBUTORS the Italian Phoenix shirts manufacturing offers high end quality Shirts, only VIP fabrics for our Made in Italy collection, classic style design for elegant business man. We're looking for distributors

Phoenix Textile Italy - Via Calabria 21
88331 Crotone - Crotone Italy

Entrà Bologna Italian fashion leather handbags manufacturing

Entrà fashion accessories is the main brand of the Italian manufacturing industry: New York srl based in Bologna Italy. The Entrà collection offers a complete range of Made in Italy fashion accessories mainly Fashion Handbags using the best leather and Italian fabrics of the market, the Entrà collection offers also some jewelry accessories, fashion men and women wallets, hats and other Made in Italy fashion accessories

ENTRA' BOLOGNA ITALIAN FASHION LEATHER HANDBAGS Italian fashion handbags manufacturing leather handbags for distribution, made in Italy leather handbags and fashion accessories, women belts accessories, made in Italy for Franchising

Via dei Pellicciai 9, Bologna
40050 Centergross Funo (BO) Italy

Italian handbags manufacturing women leather fashion handbags

Rita Azzellini is an Italian handbags designer and high qality fashion purses manufacturing industry. Based in Rome Italy, we are passionate about fashion design and luxury materilas, the exotic leather for our luxury handbags and exclusive purses it fit perfectly as vip accessories. Rita Azzellini Italian luxury handbags manufacturing, highly prestigious for design and hand finished manufacturing process uses only exclusive leather materials refined and, since long time, exotic leather skins has conquered our hearts becoming part of our Luxury Collections for exclusive women, not only our preferred material but also the material that we consider most suitable for the realization of our VIP handbags

RITA AZZELLINI VIP HANDBAGS MADE IN ITALY Italian leather handbags collection. Handmade leather handbags designed for elegant women as the real Italian fashion tradition. Leather handbags for Exclusive Boutiques and Italian fashion distributors

Rita Azzellini Handbags
Via dei Faggella, 41 00165 Roma - Italy

Gruppo Guido Italian construction engineering contractors

The Gruppo Guido Civil construction Contractors is an Italian engineering company ready to support the site development industry, working for years in commercial and industrial projects Construction. Our civil contractors industry background, our expertise in site development and experienced engineering staff is poised to become Italian’s most efficient and flexible site development company available. Our engineering staff has many years experience specializing in design and implementation of underground utilities, site preparation, bridge road and site building construction

GRUPPO GUIDO ENG. ITALIAN CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING Italian construction contractor Architect design, project construction manager and building development, customized budgeting, site planning providing engineering professional solutions

Gruppo Guido Engineering - Cavour 120
52100 Arezzo (Arezzo) Italy

Italcantieri designs and produces clean renewable energy and power solutions

Italcantieri S.p.A. Wind Power Turbines and Photovoltaic Stations manufacturing industry "The Italian Renewable Energy Technology Sources" offers efficient and economic solutions for Wind Power Stations, Photovoltaic Plants and customized Cogeneration Power Plants, today, the increasing energy demand and the need for clean power generation leads everyone s mind to the concept of Renewable Energy Sources. The Italcantieri customized Power Stations solutions have highly efficient, using solid and reliable wind turbine manufactuerd in Italy. Our Wind Power Stations offers a solution to meet energy needs and environmental awareness

ITALCANTIERI S.p.A. RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY Italian power generation industry leader providing Energy Solutions, developing and producing Wind Power Turbines from 20 KW to 5MW and Photovoltaic Power Plants. Power Plant Solutions

Zona PIP Cavallino 73020 Lecce - Italy

Home decor linens manufacturing window curtains suppliers made Italy

Home decor linens manufacturing made in Italy, home decor Linen for window curtains made in Italy, Italian linens manufacturing, made in Italy bedding linens suppliers, vip dining linens and window curtains manufacturing suppliers, high end artisans art and crafts, italian home decor products manufacturers linens suppliers, bedding suppliers from Italy, home furnishing products bedding sets bath products linens, bath rugs linens manufacturing shower linens producers, table linens manufacturing Italian linens suppliers and bath linens vendors made in Italy, table linens window linens manufacturing industry, italian linens curtains, tents linens suppliers Italian USA manufacturing industry Bed and bedding products in linens manufacturers for USA distributors, Canada wholesale distribution, Asia VIP market manufacturers and Latin america bedding suppliers manufacturing bed linens luxury bed sheets manufacturing suppliers, Italian linens suppliers wholesale linens home decor vendors manufacturing industry windows curtains, bath tents manufacturing Italian vip linens and tents products for distribution - Italian business guide is a complete list of italian manufacturing vendors and suppliers

VIP HOME DECOR LINENS - BEDDING DINING CURTAINS Italian home decor linens manufacturing. Linens Made in Italy designed and high end finished for exclusive distribution market home bedding linens, dining embroidery linens for home decor

Via Campania 45, Salice Salentico
73015 Lecce - Italy

Agriculture farm irrigation machinery engineering made in Italy solutions

Italian agriculture manufacturing suppliers, Agri Perrone is an engineering and manufacturing industry in Italy with a great experience and background in design and production of farming applications machinery, from irrigation to production agriculture machines. Agri Perrone has a manufacturing facilities in the South of Italy where the farming industry it is the most important. We offer customized design and construction of special machineries according to your farming application, we are looking for Distributors round the world to support agro industrial business

AGRICULTURE AND FARM MACHINERY MANUFACTURING made in Italy agriculture and farm irrigation. Customized Italian agriculture machines manufacturing suppliers, design of engineering farm solutions for agriculture industrial Farm distribution

Via Generale Dalla Chiesa 21
73010 Guagnano Lecce - Italy

Radeco Linear Motion Drives certified Italian manufacturing

Automation Solution and Systems by Radeco Engineering to support the global industry, Packaging systems, linear motion drives systems, ... we are looking for distributors

RADECO S.R.L LINEAR MOTION DRIVES SYSTEMS is an Italian linear motion guides manufacturing, offers Motion drives systems, designed and produced for customized motion systems providing efficient industrial economical solutions. Linear guides

Via M. Curie 17, Cerese di Virgilio

Italian Shirts  certified Italian fashion shirts manufacturing

Texil3 Italian shirts manufacturing Co, offers HEFFORT fashion shirts and Camicie & Co men shirts collections to support your international and distribution market...

ITALY MEN SHIRTS MANUFACTURING formal, casual, fashion and trend Italian men shirts to our distributors. Heffort fashion shirts and Camicie & Co shirts collections high quality men shirts to our worldwide fashion distributors. VIP italian shirts

Via Palmieri Zona Industriale
73058 Tuglie (LE) ITALY

Italian swimming pool accessories suppliers in Europe and Middle East


Visconti swimming Pool is an Italian building industry that offers more than simply a backyard addition, its a reflection of your lifestyle, custom-tailored swimming pool to complement your homes architecture and you. Visconty Industry installs concrete swimming pools and spas as diverse and exciting as the reasons people enjoy them. Guided by our Italian unwavering passion for craftsmanship and integrity, our made in Italy skilled artisans use a variety of textures, colors and styles to create the aquatic environment of your dreams

ITALIAN SWIMMING POOL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION, Visconti swimming pool designs and builds Customs VIP swimming pools and spas with over 20 years supplying swimming pool accessories to pool, spa builders and distributors in Europe and USA

Visconti Swimming Pool Industry
Lombardi 14, San Pietro Lama Italy

Italian wholesale mobile phones vendors. Cellulars suppliers in Italy


USA wholesale mobile phones to distributors in Italy, Europe and United States of America, Mexico, Canada and Latin America, we offer the main mobile phones of the market: Nokia Corporation currently the world's largest manufacturer of mobile telephones, Samsumg, Sony Erickson, Motorola and others mobile phone manufacturers include Apple Inc. cellulars, Audiovox (now UT Starcom), Benefon mobile phones, BenQ - Siemens cellulars, High Tech Computer Corporation (HTC), Fujitsu cell phones, Kyocera cellulars, LG Mobile mobile phones, Mitsubishi, Motorola cellulars, NEC, Neonode, Panasonic (Matsushita Electric), Pantech Curitel, Philips cellulars, Research In Motion, Sagem, Samsung, Sanyo, Sharp, Siemens, Sierra Wireless, SK Teletech, Sonim Technologies, Sony Ericsson mobile phones, T&A Alcatel,Toshiba, and Verizon, all of them available now in our warehouse of Miami

WHOLESALE MOBILE PHONES IN ITALY wholesale cellulars and telephones from Miami, Motorola, Nokia, Samsumg Sony mobile phones, USA wholesale cellulars, new unlocked mobile phones technology to cellulars distributors in USA and Europe

Mobile Phones Industry USA
20 SW 8th Street Miami Florida 33173

Stainless Steel containers food storage containers manufacturing

 La Nuova Sansone, the Italian stainless steel containers manufacturing co, wine storage containers, food storage containers and chemical storage containers to support the USA, Canada, Japan and worldwide storage industries...

ITALY FOOD, WINE, CHEMICAL STORAGE STAINLESS STEEL CONTAINERS produced by Sansone Italian stainless steel containers manufacturing. Italian stainless steel containers for wine, food, industries, to USA, Canada industrial distributors

Via Adriatica Km 3
73100 Lecce - Italy

T-Shirts for women and men Italian t-shirts manufacturing Co.

Italian T-Shirts manufacturing co, Trimplex T-shirts for men and women, exclusive Italian fashion to the worldwide distribution market

ITALY MEN T-SHIRTS MANUFACTURING since 1984 produces elegant classics Italian T-shirts for women and men, high quality Italian casual T-shirts, at manufacturing pricing, Fashion T-shirts produced to support worldwide distributors

Via S. Domenico 24

Italian industrial global advertising italian marketing for world business

ITALIAN INDUSTRIAL ADVERTISING AND VIP GLOBAL MARKETING WBG the leader Italian and American advertising firm. Industrial business advertising, for manufacturers looking for industrial distributors and global business direct international marketing

WBG International Marketing
475 NW 87th Court Miami (FL) USA

Italian vip real estate properties masseria Italy condominium

PERFECT LANSCAPE Parco del Negroamaro is located in the most beautiful side of Salento in Puglia, very south of Italy, we offer a new masseria building inlcuding the best features in the real estate market to give you a VIP comfort and VIP real estate investment... We are the land owners and leaders in Salento Real Estate business... we are looking for realtors who wants to increase their real estate business in Italy, because this is just the starting point of our MASSERIA PROJECT IN SALENTO... Own your future in the magic area of Salento Puglia

VIP NEW PUGLIA MASSERIA PROPERTIES FOR SELL new masseria real estate in salento puglia vip real estate condominium in Puglia called the New Tuscany we offer traditional masseria properties vip masseria condominium and modern comfort

Parco del Negroamaro Masseria Puglia
Latiano (Brindisi - Salento) ITALY

Italian lycopene certified health care organic lycopene manufacturing

Lycopene, biological and Organic Lycopene made in Italy with the most powerful red tomatoes produced in Italy... may prevent prostate cancer, heart disease and other forms of cancer... Biological Lycopene manufacturing solutions to the worldwide health care distribution market...

ITALIAN LYCOPENE MANUFACTURING  biological lycopene, made in Italy industry, organic lycopene the most powerful antioxidant from italian red tomatoes may help prevent prostate cancer, heart disease, lycopene from Italy to health care distributors

ss 476 - 17650 Industrial Area
73013 Galatina (Lecce) ITALY

Pediatric Hematology oncologic care center in Italy

The Hematology / Oncology care center at Vito Fazzi's Hospital is one of the most important pediatric tumor care facility in Italy. Highly skilled professionals doctors, managed by Dr. Assunta Tornesello and volunteers ensures that child and families receive the support need it when a child is diagnosed with a Tumor. Children are treated with "state of the art" medical programs. Psychosocial services are available for the whole family

ITALIAN ASSOCIATION OF PEDIATRIC ONCOLOGIST - HEMATOLOGY is a volunteer society of pediatric hematologists / oncologists, who study and treat childhood cancer and blood diseases It also serves patients and families providing professional support

Ass. Onlus "Per un Sorriso in Piu"
Via Pozzuolo 45 - 73100 Lecce Italy

Italian red wine manufacturing certified made in Italy wine producers

Since 1869 the family Dimastrodonato produces and develops a great grapes in contrada Partemio (Latiano- Brindisi) Their wine collection "Lomazzi & Sarli" is one of the most traditional VIP wines offered to the worldwide wine distribution... Lomazzi & Sarli is a proud Italian winemaking, with wines 100% made in Italy, convinced that high quality wines as Primitivo, Chardonnay, Negroamaro, Novello, Malvasia Bianca,... red and whites are the best Business Presentation to support international wine distribution...

ITALIAN VIP WINE MANUFACTURING made in Italy red and white wines vip italian grapes for the primitivo red wine discover the italian novello and the new negroamaro Italian wine producer to the wine wholesale distribution VIP italian wines

Cda. Partemio ss 7 Brindisi Taranto
72022 Latiano (Brindisi) ITALY

Italian fashion lingerie certified industry Italian manufacturing

ITALY LINGERIE MANUFACTURING Italian fashion women lingerie and swimwear manufacturing. Exclusive fashion lingerie, women and men Italian lingerie. Offer to distributors manufacturing pricing and perfect lingerie made in Italy

Via per Parabita Zona Industriale

 Italian chemical certified Italian manufacturing Chemical Co.

ITALY CHEMICAL S.R.L. Italian Beauty Care produced by "Pierre Chimica". An Italian manufacturing of beauty care, cosmetics, perfumes,... offering The best beauty care products to support the USA and worldwide distribution Market

S.S. 476 Km 17.650 Zona Industriale

Italian luxury Women fashion Italian jackets manufacturing

Luxury women fashion collection by Aldo Colombo... only the best fabrics, perfect finished, size 42 small to size 58,  FASHION FASHION FASHION for our elegant women, skirts, dresses, trousers, jackets, coats, women suits, coordinated clothes and a complete luxury women collection for BOUTIQUES and EXCLUSIVE FASHION SHOPS...

ITALY WOMEN FASHION a luxury women fashion made in Italy designed for VIP women. Italian skirts, fashion dresses manufacturing, ladies jackets and luxury women's apparel to support fashion and apparel japan USA and world distributors

Via per Corigliano Zona Industriale

Italian neck Ties certified Italian ties manufacturing Co.

ITALIAN TIES MANUFACTURING fashion ties made in Italy since 1972. Fashion ties using the best and exlusive Italian cloths from Como We are looking for worldwide distributors offering high quality ties and manufacturing pricing

Via Gonfalone Zona Industriale

Italian fashion Pants certified Italian manufacturing Co.

Italian pants manufacturing company, MELILEO produces only high quality pants, classic using first quality material, We are Looking for Worldwide Distributors

ITALIAN FASHION PANTS MANUFACTURING premier Italian manufacturing since 1970. Produces classic pants for men only high quality Italian men pants, at manufacturing pricing. We are looking for worldwide distributors. made in Italy

Masseria Monaci Zona Industriale

Italian  accessories an Italian handbags manufacturing

Fernando Pezzuto made in Italy handbags collection. Italian handbags and fashion accessories, only made in Italy handbags to support your distribution market...

ITALY HANDBAGS produced by Daf Design a premier Italian bags, handbags and fashion accessories manufacturing, handbags made in Italy. Italian fashion handbags and accessories to support fashion and apparel distributors

Via Monte San Michele 18

Italian furniture sofas furnishing Italian furniture manufacturing

 Italian furniture, sofas and home furnishing manufacturing co, Altriarredi offers the best MADE IN ITALY furniture and sofas to USA suppliers and vendors...

ITALIAN FURNITURE MANUFACTURING leather furniture, leather sofas, armchairs, made in Italy by Altriarredi srl a premier Italian furniture and home leather furnishing manufacturing. Italian furniture manufacturing to support the furnishing distributors

Via Madonna della Croce 147

Italian Moda certified Italian manufacturing Apparel Co.

 Italian apparel manufacuring suppliers... italy men fashion producers, luxury women fashion made in Italy designed for VIP women. Italian skirts, fashion dresses manufacturing, men pants, jackets, shirts...

ITALIAN MODA S.R.L. a premier Italian fashion apparel manufacturing company, clothing, apparel, ties, shirts, made in Italy... offering The best Italian Fashion Apparel to support worldwide distributors. Italian Moda

Via Campestre 67

Italian Tiles certified Italian manufacturing Co.

ITALIAN FLOOR MANUFACTURING TILES. Italian manufacturing tiles since 1948, offer high quality tiles produced using high technology to the USA and worldwide Market Marra Pavimenti the Italian tiles and floor manufacturing and supplier.

S.S. 476 Km 16,33

Nardone Nougats Candies Chocolate certified Italian manufacturing Co.

NARDONE ITALIAN CANDIES AND NOUGATS since 1903 the premier Italian chocolates manufacturing, offers Italian traditional Candies and Nougats, to feel the Old Italian taste, Nougats as 100 years ago provide for worldwide distributors

S. Nicola Zona Artigianale
Tel: ++39(0825) 965-252

Italian Shoes certified Italian manufacturing Co.

Dance Shoes Made in Italy ... tailormade fashion dance shoes manufacturing for women, and dance shoes for men. "Flying Dance Shoes" is looking for DISTRIBUTORS APPLY NOW

ITALIAN DANCE SHOES MANUFACTURING leader dance shoes and boots Italian manufacturing. Since 1982 produces dance shoes for women and men. High quality Italian dance Shoes, at manufacturing pricing for the worldwide distributors

Via Meucci Zona Industriale

Italian Ballet productions by certified Ballet opera music Art

THE ITALIAN BALLET PRODUCTIONS is an Italian ballet group, offers classic ballet productions. Italian classic ballet opera, traditional and contemporaneous shows 18 professional ballet dancers and the best classic Italian ballet

Via R. Scotellaro 72
73100 Lecce (LECCE) ITALY

Automotive filters certified Italian manufacturing Co.

ITALY AUTOMOTIVE FILTERS MANUFACTURING leader automotive and industrial engines filters in Italy. Produces automotive oil, air and fuel filters at manufacturing pricing. We are looking for worldwide distributors Filters made in Italy

Automotive and industrial filters
 Made in Italy air and oil filters


Italian Automotive Industry, more than tradition ...passion in each manufacturing process, We list professional mechanical precission manufacturing companies

The Italian Business Guide web site is managed by professional engineers. Offers a premier industrial supply and manufacturing Italian business resources, maintaining the original Italian tradition to produce, manage and support international partner business. There are several sectional listings itemised in our manufacturing supplier category listing which is available in Italian and Spanish (where applicable). The complete Italian manufacturing Database is also listed considering the quality, customer service and export capabilities of each manufacturing, supplier or vendor company. All the manufacturing and suppliers companies info are updated constantly. Our professional engineers give all the contact details at not charges. The main proposal it is create the business BRIDGE from the Italian manufacturing, suppliers, vendors and general industry, the manufacturing made in Italy to the USA and worldwide commercial business. For info


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The Italian Business Guide engineers work hard to support the Italian manufacturing and industrial suppliers in Italy and the USA and worldwide distribution companies creating a profitable relationship. Through the women apparel lingerie manufacturingItalian electronics suppliers, women lingerie clothing suppliers, Italian fashion shirts manufacturing, industrial suppliers from Italy, real estate and vacations, Italian equipments suppliers web pages we reach this goal. Made in Italy, the apparel, electronics, lingerie, fashion, mobile phones clothings manufacturing, vendors and suppliers listed in Italian Business Guide offered on our site are the best apparel, fashion, lingerie, industrial, electronics, vacations, leather furniture manufacturing products as Italy manufacturing tradition. Made in Italy to the USA, England, Ireland, Norway, Austria, Russia, Canada, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, China, Japan, Australia, Dubai, China, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Denmark, Norway, Bahrain, Canada, New Zealand, Italy mobile phones, Austria, France, Holland, Spain, Scotland, Sweden,.. and worldwide business to business wholesale distribution market


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